Philippines SEO Services

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a key part of the search engine optimization process. However, there is a good chance that your SEO efforts will not produce the expected results if you have technical SEO problems. As such, it is crucial to make sure that you know what technical SEO is and how to do it correctly.

Technical SEO is the process of making sure your website’s technology is up to par with Google standards. Crawling, indexing, rendering, and website architecture are all essential components of technical SEO.

If you do not have this in place, it can be very difficult for search engines to crawl and index your site. Even though hundreds of other factors go into having a high-ranking site, technical SEO should always be looked at first when trying to rank higher on Google or any other search engine. If you make it difficult for Google to crawl and index your site, they’re not ranking you higher up in their search engine page result. Even if you aren’t an expert in coding, there are plenty of affordable options out there that can help get your site optimized, so you don’t lose rankings due to errors or problems with crawling/indexing.

Why should you technically optimize your site?

Search engines such as Google and others aim to provide users with the best results possible. As a result, Google’s robots crawl and analyze web pages based on a variety of factors. Some factors are influenced by the user experience, such as how quickly a page load. Others are used by search engine robots to determine what your pages are.

You won’t rank if your technical SEO is messed up. The pages on your website must be found, crawled, rendered, and indexed by Google and other search engines.

It doesn’t mean that you’re done even if Google indexes all of your site’s content. You need to have your website’s pages secure, free of duplicate content, fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and so many other factors necessary for technical search engine optimization.

Enhancing technical aspects will enable search engines to crawl and understand your site. This could lead to higher rankings or even richer results if it is done effectively. You don’t need perfect technical SEO to rank, though. Instead, you will have a greater chance of ranking your website the easier you make Google access your content.

Technical SEO best practices

Let’s look at the best practices for technical SEO now that we know what it is.

  • URL structure
  • XML sitemap
  • Structured data
  • JavaScript
  • Thin content
  • Hreflang
  • Canonical tags
  • Duplicate content
  • 404 pages
  • 301 redirects
  • Breadcrumb menus
  • Website speed
  • SSL and HTTPS
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Pagination and multilingual websites
  • Accelerated mobile pages (AMP)

The more you work with technical SEO, the better your chances are of ranking. It’s a key part of any SEO strategy, and it can be intimidating to get started, but then again, you don’t need perfect technical SEO to rank. Google will have an easier time crawling your website if you make it easier for Goggle to access your content.

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